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A Man Preparing a Salad

The Packhouse


Zenith Nurseries Ltd – we are a grower and packer supplying our salad factories with our own grown leaves.


Our baby leaves are harvested in the morning and ready to be packed straight away

giving the benefit of a longer shelf life.


Packing salads into punnets or bags – Fresh from the field so our customers can enjoy longer shelf life.


Image by Lidia Nemiroff

The End Result

Our facility gives us flexibility in pack weight in order to adjust to customer requirements. 


Our fresh produce range:

Bags: 20g – 1kg

Punnets: 50g - 150g





Green Salad

What We can do

Salads tailored to your needs.

Single component or a combination of the following leaves :


Red Chard, Wild Rocket, Spinach, Red & Green Mizuna, Lambs Lettuce, Bulls Blood, Peas Shoots, Landcress & Watercress, Red Batavia, Baby Iceberg or more - we can source any raw material.


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